The BC Netball Association would like to hire a number of people to organize and run summer youth netball programs in Burnaby and North Vancouver. If you would like more information about the jobs, pl...Read More
Reminder to folks that the deadline for the BC Netball Scholarship is July 31st, 2022. Reiterating our page on scholarships: The BC Netball Leadership Scholarships are an open competition for student...Read More
BC Netball is offering umpiring clinics. Virtual umpiring clinic: Refresher and update on the new rules. When: Sunday April 10 2022 1:00pm – 2:00pm Virtual umpiring clinic: Beginners Umpiring Se...Read More
We’re pleased to announce that the national netball championships will be held in Calgary in November 11-13, 2022. The tournament categories will be: Nationals: U24, Open, and Men’s...Read More
Fast 5 tournament registration is now open! Registration Form When: Friday, November 19 | 7:00 – 9:00PM Registration Fee: $50 per team See full details on how to register: Tourname...Read More